Creating the interface in the interface editor

The interface editor is an →editor and provides features in order to create or modify the interface for a →function block or a →function. The interface editor is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.

(info) Depending on the configuration of your Neuron Power Engineer version, the interface editor and its elements might be displayed differently in your Neuron Power Engineer version than illustrated in the IDE documentation. This is the case, if Neuron  or the system integrator has activated the smart styling or one of them has changed the styles for the FBD-editor which has an impact on the interface editor as well. Subsequently, the illustration in the IDE documentation are symbolic images and the representation in your Neuron Power Engineer version takes precedence for the valid representation. In case of doubts, please contact Neuron or your system integrator.

See "Opening the interface editor for an object" how to open the editor.

If you are already using →calls of the →block within →graphical editors, Neuron recommends to close all editors before the interface is changed. When e.g. the FBD-editor is re-opened, the changed interface is automatically updated in some aspects.

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